Thursday, September 12, 2013

Grow Food In Style!

What do you get when you combine minimal organic form, strong functionality, eco-friendly design, and... a fruit pit? You are left with this fantastic Avocado Sprouter!

The Avocado Sprouter is a tiny but genius product which contains the seed of your finished avocado and allows it to grow into a new avocado tree for your next feast. The product has several rods that allow it to be placed on top of a cup or bowl which you then fill with water, then the Avocado Sprouter does the rest. After you see roots grow, you can transfer it to a pot or outdoors for your own home-grown houseplant and eventually a fruiting tree!

 What I particularly love about this product is its simple, crisp and elegant form regardless of it's miniature size. Made from just ceramic porcelain and wood, the Avocado Sprouter oozes with natural beauty and organic form. It's white,curvy and smooth body contrasts perfectly with the light, and raw wooden rods. A really exquisite fusion of materials.

Another factor where this product excels is the way in which it promotes reusing, recycling, and a general sense of "green".  The idea of using and reusing every bit of something keeps these ideals in the forefront of our mind. This allows new resources to be grown and in the long term, could save you some cash and time buying new Avacados! 

Creating New Products this Christmas

Christmas is coming! This season is filled with love, joy and most importantly, gifts! During this period of time, our designers begin desig...