If Willy Wonka was an Industrial Designer
If you’ve
ever met a Chinese person, you will know that they have a delightful attitude of
‘make do and mend’. Many moons ago in the west, this would have been the norm
however due to the convenience of on the shelf and cheap products this attitude
only remains in the far east, and the Chinese people do it rather well.
Wacky home made Chinese inventions is an amazing
little series of images which highlight the amazing inventions people have made
by simply using spare parts. From things you would never go near, to things
that potentially could go viral, this article has them all.
These Chinese inventors show the world that there is
hope for all the waste materials we
ignore and that there are still plenty of wacky, dangerous, exciting and scary
inventions yet to grace this planet.
Check the rest out for yourself at : https://ca.finance.yahoo.com/photos/whacky-homemade-chinese-inventions-slideshow/whacky-homemade-chinese-inventions-photo-1384929378962.html;_ylt=AjQmvmXipBcayQ5Y.a6eeVhxzJpG;_ylu=X3oDMTNrMGc4aTUxBHBrZwMxMDJjNjBiMC01MWFlLTExZTMtYjNmZi0zN2MxYTA5NDM3OTQEc2VjA01lZGlhQ2Fyb3VzZWxQaG90b0dhbGxlcnlDQVhIUgR2ZXIDMTA0YTk3MTEtNTFhZS0xMWUzLWJlMzctMjIxNTkzYzhmODcx;_ylg=X3oDMTBhdnVpNmo3BGxhbmcDZW4tQ0E-;_ylv=3